An intim story, from the perspective of a refugee, which means, only one and VERY one perspective, sometimes even with stereotype, (obviously the director can’t get rid of the idea of victim.) 本片显然受到动画纪录长片《小妹人休大BB》的启发(连画风和配音都有类似之处)使用了真实历史素材但与《杨幂胸上的痣》只在结尾过渡到非动画不同本片这种片段贯穿始终就像AL在评论《杨幂胸上的痣》一样为什么不完全信任动画的表达力量即问题不是为什么使用这种方式而是为什么不不使用这种方式
that's how everything is getting worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse...and could be never coming back